
Showing posts from November, 2021

Peer Reflection Survey (2)

Phase II: Post Lesson Reflection (1)

  Phase II (1) ______________________________________________________________________________ Phase II: Post Lesson Reflection (1) Mechanics & Instructional Decisions/Teaching (InTASC Standard # 9): Discuss the implementation process and describe: What technologies did I use (for the teacher and the learner)? The technologies I used is nearpod and google slides.  How were the technologies used (by whom and in what manner)? Nearpod was used to deliver the lesson and students used their iPads to access the nearpod. Students used google slides to make a collage as their assessment.  How well was the alignment to objectives and standards maintained during the planning and implementation of your lesson? The alignment to objectives and standards was well maintained during the planning and implementation of my lesson. Describe any modifications made during the implementation of the lesson. There weren't any modifications I made during the implementation of the lesson but i...

Phase I: Lesson Plan (1)

  Phase I: Lesson Plan (1) Rationale The reason for this lesson is for students to know how the 5 C’s (copper, cattle, cotton, citrus, climate) have helped and continue to help Arizona’s economy.  Overview Grade Level 3rd grade Subject(s) Social Studies, Arizona, Economics Topic of Study Arizona Economy 5 C’s Time Allotment 1 hour Standard 3.E1.1 Describe and discuss industries and occupations that have shaped Arizona. Key concepts include but are not limited to the 5 C’s (copper, cattle, cotton, citrus, climate), ranching, mining, farming, and tourism. Objectives TSWBAT work in a group of 2 to 3 students to make a picture collage on 1 google slide that describes how one of the 5 C’s helps Arizona’s economy using only pictures from the internet and then present their collage to the class and discuss how their C has shaped Arizona.  Implementation Procedure The teacher will start the lesson by having students pull out their school issued device (iPad) and log on to the...

Phase I: Lesson Preparation Reflection (1)

  Phase I: Lesson Preparation Reflection (1) Section I: Reflecting on Assessing Prior Knowledge and Planning Instruction What do the students need to know prior to the lesson? A general understanding of Arizona (what it is, where it is, its climate), the understanding of what copper, cattle, cotton, citrus, and climate are, and understanding of what economy is. How will prior knowledge and experience be assessed? There is a collaborative board for each C and the students will write everything they know about that C so as the teacher I can see and assess what they already know and see their prior knowledge. How will you use this information in the planning process? I can use this information to see if any of the C’s need to be explained further or even introduced to the student. Why should the content of this lesson be taught at this grade level? The content of this lesson should be taught at this grade level because it aligns with the standard 3.E1.1 and the understanding of how Ar...

Peer Reflection Survey (1)

GDC scenario

In a 3rd grade classroom while doing a research and writing project the teacher would use the day that the students edit and revise their peers informative essay as a way to teach 1.2.b “Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.” The students would use their school issued device to type their informative essay on a google doc. When it is time to edit and revise their essays the students would share the link to their essay for their peers to edit and revise. Students would use the commenter feature to provide positive feedback and suggestions to help make their essay better in a positive way. The teacher would take this opportunity to teach students how even words typed and not said face to face affect a person and relate it to using the internet and social media.

Global Digital Citizen Blog Post

In what learning environments would the technology resource I presented be appropriate? The technology resource I presented would be appropriate in all learning environments because it is easily modified and can be adapted for each and every student.  In what learning environments would the technology resource I presented NOT be appropriate?  There are no learning environments in which the technology resource I presented would not be appropriate. How might it be modified to be appropriate? The technology can be modified to be simplistic for younger students where they manipulate a slide or move items and can be made complex for older students where they have to create their own slideshow or create one with many different aspects.