Phase II: Post Lesson Reflection (1)

 Phase II (1)


Phase II: Post Lesson Reflection (1)

Mechanics & Instructional Decisions/Teaching (InTASC Standard # 9):

Discuss the implementation process and describe:

  • What technologies did I use (for the teacher and the learner)?

The technologies I used is nearpod and google slides. 

  • How were the technologies used (by whom and in what manner)?

Nearpod was used to deliver the lesson and students used their iPads to access the nearpod. Students used google slides to make a collage as their assessment. 

  • How well was the alignment to objectives and standards maintained during the planning and implementation of your lesson?

The alignment to objectives and standards was well maintained during the planning and implementation of my lesson.

  • Describe any modifications made during the implementation of the lesson.

There weren't any modifications I made during the implementation of the lesson but if I were to teach this lesson to a group of 3rd graders I would anticipate I would have to provide more guidance with the open ended questions. 

  • My lesson was within the correct time frame

    • It was short because...

    • It was too long because...

    • The lesson was within the correct time frame because…

The lesson was within the correct time frame because I anticipate this lesson will take an hour and when I taught it to the class I shortened the teaching and collaborating time and focused solely on the assessment and technology so this took only 30 minutes. 

Assessment of Learning (InTASC Standard # 6): 

Refer to Assessing Student Learning

  • Include at least 2 digital artifacts that demonstrate what you or your students (peers) have created as a result of your lesson

  • Based on your assessment(s), describe your students' level of success in achieving the standards and objectives for your lesson.

I think the students’ level of success in achieving the standards and objectives for my lesson was overall good. They understood what was being asked of them and what the outcome of the assessment was. 

  • Describe the level of success you had in teaching the lesson

I was very successful in teaching the lesson.

  • How do your individual reflections support this?

My individual reflections support the level of success I had in teaching the lesson because all the feedback I received from peers was positive and was given the highest ratings.

  • How do the comments from your classmates support this?

The comments from my classmates support the level of success I had in teaching the lesson because the comments include “the lesson was well prepared with the videos and interactive nearpod” and “Everything was clear and you were always willing to help.”

Technology Critical Incident (InTASC # 6, 7, 8, 9):

  • Choose and describe a technology critical incident, or an event that you attached meaning to that challenged your assumptions or made you think differently about technology integration, that occurred during the implementation of your lesson.

One technology critical incident that occurred was that one of the students that was doing picture collage used the internet as a source of information rather than using the information I provided, on nearpod, and only using the internet to find pictures to fill the picture collage. 

  • Brainstorm and research three possible solutions or alternative viewpoints:

    • Solution 1: provide a bank of pictures

    • Solution 2: empathize that they cannot use the internet for information

    • Solution 3: have the students cite their sources if they do use the internet for information

  • What is your chosen plan of action should this incident occur again?

If this incident were to occur again I would emphasize that the students should use the information from the nearpod rather than the internet and only use the internet to access pictures for the picture collage. 

  • What is your rationale for choosing this solution?

My rationale for choosing this solution is because I think if I said explicitly what the internet should and should not be used for assessment then it could eliminate confusion and the incident from occurring.


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