
Phase III

  Phase III: Comprehensive Reflection ______________________________________________________________________________ Video link   ______________________________________________________________________________ Script  Slide 1: Introduction Hi my name is Mackenzie Browning and in this presentation I will be discussing the 7 ISTE Standards for educators as well how I have achieved each standard throughout this course or what I can do in the future to achieve each standard if I did not in this semester. I will also be discussing my teaching philosophy and how my thoughts on technology integration have been reinforced.  Slide 2: Overview of standards  These are the 7 ISTE Standards for educators, 1 Learner, 2 Leader, 3 Citizen, 4 Collaborator, 5 Designer, 6 Facilitator, and 7 Analyst. Slide 3: Standard 1: Learner The first standard is Learner. This standard means as educators we are always learning, improving practices in technology...

Phase II: Post Lesson Reflection (2)

  Phase II (2) ______________________________________________________________________________ Phase II: Post Lesson Reflection (2) Mechanics & Instructional Decisions/Teaching (InTASC Standard # 9): Discuss the implementation process and describe: What technologies did I use (for the teacher and the learner)? The technologies I used are google slides, kahoot, and mock twitter.  How were the technologies used (by whom and in what manner)? Kahoot was used as a pre-assessment and to see where students are at with their prior knowledge. Google slides were used for the lesson delivery and assessment (mock twitter). How well was the alignment to objectives and standards maintained during the planning and implementation of your lesson? The alignment to objectives and standards was well maintained during the planning and implementation of my lesson. Describe any modifications made during the implementation of the lesson. There weren't any modifications I made during the implemen...

Phase I: Lesson Plan (2)

Phase I: Lesson Plan (2) Rationale The reason for this lesson is for students to learn about Arizona’s government and the different levels of government along with state agencies.  Overview Grade Level 3rd grade Subject(s) Social Studies, Arizona government/civics Topic of Study Arizona Government Time Allotment 1 hour Standard 3.C3.1 Describe the origins, functions, and structure of the Arizona Constitution, local governments, and tribal governments Key concepts for state government include but are not limited to distinguishing the difference between national and state governments, describing the major responsibilities of each branch, describing the important services state governments provide, describing how state government officials are chosen and who those current officials are, explaining how people can participate in their state governments, explaining why it is important that people participate in their state government, and understanding how state government services a...

Phase I: Lesson Preparation Reflection (2)

Phase I: Lesson Preparation Reflection (2) Section I: Reflecting on Assessing Prior Knowledge and Planning Instruction What do the students need to know prior to the lesson? A general understanding of Arizona (what it is, where it is, the people that run it), a general understanding what government is. How will prior knowledge and experience be assessed? Prior knowledge and experience will be assessed by a kahoot we will do together. I can see and get a general consensus of where the class is at in terms of understanding the levels of government. How will you use this information in the planning process? I can use this information to see if any of the levels of government need to be explained further or even introduced to the students. Why should the content of this lesson be taught at this grade level? The content of this lesson should be taught at this grade level because it aligns with the standard 3.C3.1 and the understanding of Arizona’s government and agencies.  How do the ob...