Phase III
Phase III: Comprehensive Reflection ______________________________________________________________________________ Video link ______________________________________________________________________________ Script Slide 1: Introduction Hi my name is Mackenzie Browning and in this presentation I will be discussing the 7 ISTE Standards for educators as well how I have achieved each standard throughout this course or what I can do in the future to achieve each standard if I did not in this semester. I will also be discussing my teaching philosophy and how my thoughts on technology integration have been reinforced. Slide 2: Overview of standards These are the 7 ISTE Standards for educators, 1 Learner, 2 Leader, 3 Citizen, 4 Collaborator, 5 Designer, 6 Facilitator, and 7 Analyst. Slide 3: Standard 1: Learner The first standard is Learner. This standard means as educators we are always learning, improving practices in technology...