Phase I: Lesson Plan (2)

Phase I: Lesson Plan (2)


The reason for this lesson is for students to learn about Arizona’s government and the different levels of government along with state agencies. 


Grade Level

3rd grade


Social Studies, Arizona government/civics

Topic of Study

Arizona Government

Time Allotment

1 hour


3.C3.1 Describe the origins, functions, and structure of the Arizona Constitution, local governments, and tribal governments

Key concepts for state government include but are not limited to distinguishing the difference between national and state governments, describing the major responsibilities of each branch, describing the important services state governments provide, describing how state government officials are chosen and who those current officials are, explaining how people can participate in their state governments, explaining why it is important that people participate in their state government, and understanding how state government services are paid for


TSWBAT work in a group of 3 to 4 students to make a mock twitter page (template provided on google slides) for their assigned State Agency using the links provided and the internet.



The teacher will start the lesson by having students pull out their school issued device (iPad). While the students are doing this, the teacher will project the google slides on the board (smartboard). The teacher will introduce the lesson and what they will be talking about. The teacher will instruct and help students log onto and participate in the pre-assessment. Once the pre-assessment is finished the teacher will go through the powerpoint as students take notes. Once the lesson is finished the teacher will assign groups of 3 or 4 students and assign them to one of the State Agencies and the students will collaborate to create a mock twitter page for it. The students will use their school issued device (iPad) and use the template of the mock twitter page from the google slides. The teacher will facilitate the groups as they work.

Technology Integration

The technology that I will integrate is using their school issued device (iPad), google slides, kahoot and creating and collaborating on a google slide while accessing and retrieving information from the internet.

Universal Design

Giving access to the google slides, provide guided notes if needed



I will determine the students' success in meeting the standards and objectives of the lesson if the student is able to complete a mock twitter page for their assigned Arizona State Agency. The activity that will be assessed is their mock twitter page and I will use the checklist below to assess it.


Checklist for mock twitter page

State Agency name:

Names of group members:

All of these elements correspond with their assigned State Agency

_____ Header picture (1 pt)

_____ Profile picture (1 pt)

_____ Number of tweets, following, followers, and favorites (4 pts)

_____ Name and username (2 pts)

_____ A short bio (1 pt)

_____ 3 tweets (3 pts)

Peer evaluation

Group member name:

Group member name:

Group member name:

Did this group member help create the mock twitter page?

yes            no 

yes            no 

yes            no 

Did this group member work well with others?

yes            no 

yes            no 

yes            no 


Self evaluation


Did you help create the mock twitter page?

yes            no 

Did you work well with others?

yes            no 


Materials and Resources

Websites/resources used


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