Phase III

 Phase III: Comprehensive Reflection


Video link 



  • Slide 1: Introduction

    • Hi my name is Mackenzie Browning and in this presentation I will be discussing the 7 ISTE Standards for educators as well how I have achieved each standard throughout this course or what I can do in the future to achieve each standard if I did not in this semester. I will also be discussing my teaching philosophy and how my thoughts on technology integration have been reinforced. 

  • Slide 2: Overview of standards 

    • These are the 7 ISTE Standards for educators, 1 Learner, 2 Leader, 3 Citizen, 4 Collaborator, 5 Designer, 6 Facilitator, and 7 Analyst.

  • Slide 3: Standard 1: Learner

    • The first standard is Learner. This standard means as educators we are always learning, improving practices in technology to improve student learning, setting professional learning goals to explore and apply teaching approaches using technology, creating and actively participating in local and global learning networks and lastly staying up to date with research that supports improved student learning outcomes. Throughout this course I was a learner during my resource presentation because I learned more about google slides, forms, docs, and sheets and how they can be used within a classroom along with their cautions. I was a learner during my presentation because I used nearpod as my instructional delivery method and I had never used nearpod before so I had to learn how to use and manipulate it to best fit my lesson. Lastly I was a learner during my peers' presentations because I learned different technology methods and ways to structure lessons.

  • Slide 4: Standard 2: Leader & Standard 3: Citizen 

    • The second ISTE standard is Leader. This standard means as educators we seek opportunities for leadership, modeling different types of technology for students and colleagues and lastly provide all students with equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning opportunities. I will be a leader within the classroom by modeling different technologies and provide support to the students when needed. I will also provide equal opportunities for all students to access technology by providing accommodations such as templates of the products they will be asked to produce (like the one here from my Arizona government lesson), provide audio support such as the ability to here instructions rather than read, and lastly identifying the support a student needs and fulfilling while still using technology. 

    • The third ISTE standard is Citizen. Educators contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world thus inspiring students to as well, educatours give students the opportunity to make positive contributions online and build safe relationships online, educators also have students use and examine online resources and lastly they teach students the importance of personal data protection and their digital footprint. Throughout this course I was a citizen and helped my students be citizens by having them use the internet to produce both a picture collage and a mock twitter page. Another way to help students become good digital citizens and what I plan to do in my classroom is have the students write their essay on google docs and when we revise and edit we would use the google iCloud to allow students to give positive feedback and use kind words towards their peers.

  • Slide 5: Standard 4: Collaborator

    • The forth ISTE standard is Collaborator. Educators collaborate with colleagues to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, create authentic learning experiences that leverage technology and solve problems, collaborate with students to improve practice, discover and use new digital resources and diagnose and fix any problems that may occur, educators are culturally knowledgeable, and they use collaborative tools to collaborate with colleagues, parents and students. The biggest thing that contributes to me being a collaborator is working together with my peers almost daily asking questions on different assignments, sharing ideas and tools , and overall just bouncing ideas off one another and sharing our findings. I will continue collaborating with my future colleagues by sharing ideas for technology integration, different ways to accommodate students' needs using technology, and overall promoting positive relationships across the workspace. Another way I can be a collaborator is use apps such as Class Dojo and Remind me to have communication with parents. 

  • Slide 6: Standard 5: Designer

    • The fifth ISTE standard is Designer. This standard means as educators we design and adapt student-centered, original activities that allow every student to succeed, we also design technology activities that align with content area standards and allow for the deepest level of learning, and lastly we create an overall technological environment that supports every student and their learning. I will be a designer within the classroom by providing assessments that allow students to produce a creative product using technology such as podcasts, videos, editing softwares, different presentation media, etc. Each and every assessment will be accommodated and designed to meet the needs of each student.

  • Slide 7: Standard 6: Facilitator

    • The sixth ISTE standard is Facilitator. Educators allow students the opportunity to use technology to be creative, educators also manage students while they use technology and lastly educators model and guide the use of digital tools. One of the ways I was a facilitator was bouncing from group to group providing support and feedback during my lesson delivery. Another way is to allow the students to use google slides to be creative with their picture collage.

  • Slide 8: Standard 7: Analyst

    • The seventh and final ISTE standard is Analyst. This standard means as educators we use data to drive our instruction to meet students goals, we use technology for formative and summative assessments, and lastly we provide alternative ways to show mastery. One of the ways to be an analyst is using data from online learning platforms such as Zearn to see where students are and this will guide further instruction. I participated in being an analyst by using nearpod, kahoot, and google as formative assessments. Lastly, other ways to show mastery could be to create presentations, use media, or compile work together. 

  • Slide 9: Teaching Philosophy

    • As an educator I will teach academic skills and social and collaboration skills, problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and communication skills to name a few. I will be understanding, thoughtful, caring, and loving and provide not only guidance but also a safe and nurturing environment. I will work well with the ones both inside and outside the classroom because all are important for a student’s success. Lastly, I will be a teacher that acknowledges that every student learns in different ways and I will help them succeed in the best possible ways.

  • Slide 10: Technology integration in the classroom

    • Technology has become a detrimental component to the classroom. With being remote because of COVID-19 and resources found and used daily from the internet.

    • Technology in my classroom will consist of students using a school issued device to use software applications such as ZEARN, Clever, Prodigy, Mobymax, etc., and access to their school's online resource management system for online learning and classwork (Canvas, Google Classroom, Blackboard, etc.)

    • As the teacher I will use online resources to not only access lessons but also teach them (google slides, Kahoot, nearpod, etc.)

    • I will also allow students the opportunity to learn how to navigate and use different technology such as podcasts, videos, editing softwares, different presentation media, etc.

    • While I do like pencil and paper and will use both paper and technology I think my future classroom will be a balance of both. 

    • Overall, this course has given me a better understanding and appreciation for integrating technology into the classroom. I learned how to be creative in constructing lessons with technology as well as how I can have students be creative constructing products using technology.

  • Slide 11: Credits

    • Thank you for watching my presentation and I look forward to continuing to grow and learn how to be the best educator I can be. 


Powerpoint link  (content)


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